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How investment works

How investment works

There are many areas in which a person with specific knowledge and extensive experience will tend to perform significantly better than a neophyte systematically. Because in many human activities, the more knowledge and experience is accumulated, the more you can do...
How to trade update

How to trade update

The technological process has enhanced the calculation capacity; this has opened new frontiers favored by the spread of the web. In the area of finance relating to individuals, the People-Based Portfolio is making its way. We know better the phenomenon and the...
Broker fees

Broker fees

MPW is not a broker nor a trading platform. Therefore the subscriber for operations must choose a broker or a platform that has suitable characteristics. Here are some essential tips to make this choice. In particular, on the commissions applied, they can nullify the...
Gini Index Wealth Pyramid

Gini Index Wealth Pyramid

The social structure seems to be moving from pyramidal to an hourglass aspect, where the rich are getting richer and the poor just a little less poor. In a globalized world, keeping an eye on the Gini Index offers food for thought that can be useful for setting up...
Compound interest

Compound interest

Albert Einstein said that compound interest is the most potent force in the universe, aware that thanks to compound interest even with a small capital to invest if you get an excellent return, especially by patiently exploiting the lever of time. To access this...
A simplification of Day Trading

A simplification of Day Trading

Day trading or Intraday is a type of trading characterized by a period limited to a single trading session. MPW suggests Day Trading only to achieve a higher goal: the potential generation of resources to be set aside for future purposes. With this in mind, it adopts...