Cancel your LONGEVITY RISK, from today.
Longer Life does not mean Good Life
A better present time is possible
Many working-age people realize they must put aside a lot of savings because they will live a lot, and state and private welfare will not be enough.
To nullify their longevity risk, people need to save more than they do today. They need new revenue to add to the current ones to do so. This will also help them have a better present time.
They need to find innovative ways to break free from their income position. To do this, they need know-how.
MPW has created five tools to bridge (BMI) the skills gap on earned income, passive income, reward income, health income, and investment income. The turnkey tools have been structured to be suitable for everyone to overcome any cultural discrimination.
Regarding passive income, performance measures the reliability of MPW that its Best-Stocks Daytrading Bulletin generates. Thanks to its unconventional algorithm, it is a direct example of the value anyone can verify daily.
Most people prefer results to have to acquire skills. For this, MPW uses the performance generated by the Daytrading Best-Stocks Bulletin for passive income, testifying the overall value of the My Private Welfare path to cancel the Longevity Risk.
BMI accompanies the subscriber to deepen the basic knowledge as an essential tool for defending the quality of life.
Therefore, to help build a solid future, our focus is on the strategic aspects rather than the technicalities now widely available on the web.
Our goal is to enable everyone to determine their financial future consciously. We work to open up new access opportunities by removing those barriers that discriminate due to the limited training received in the 0-25 age group.

Alex Tei
Over 50 years of business and finance experience
hen Covid arrived, I decided to follow the give-back movement and leave my comfort zone to put my long experience of over 50 years of broad and varied activity available to those who needed it. Especially young people who find themselves facing a much more unpredictable and different reality than their grandparents and their parents at their age. I observe that there is not an adequate knowledge of finance which is indispensable for having a satisfactory quality of life. I decided to focus on this aspect. I created an innovative training system based on the practical application’s observation to make the learning process permanent and essential, which arouse curiosity and push to deepen.
During my life, I have observed young people’s main problems that affect their quality of life: to ensure their children’s education and the prospect of a peaceful retirement. They are real problems because many people cannot save how much it would take. The training solution I propose creates favorable conditions for generating several small funds permanently, which then everyone can grow independently over the years, combining time and compound interest. I decided to take care only of the first part of the solution. For the second part, I suggest how to do it, but you must choose an expert advisor. If this solution is used for years, money should be used for the children and the pension when needed. To create one of the tools potentially to generate small, continuous funds, I combined my passion for mathematics with my finance experience. I took the stock market as a basis and created an algorithm that identifies, every day, some bundles of up to 10 stocks to observe, valid only for that day and sold in the evening. Day by day is to avoid people’s anxiety. This process could generate small numbers that, over time, become a mountain (the anecdote of wheat grains?). To fine-tune the algorithm and create the platform, I involved a talented young engineer I have known for some time and have complete confidence in. His contribution was decisive in many respects, and together, we did a great job: MPW is already operational and adequately tested. In this phase, the algorithm extracts the stocks only from the New York Stock Exchange, but all the leading world stock exchanges are on the program. In the project, we paid attention to the ethical aspects. I’m not a professional trader, or consultant, or legal.

Matteo Mazzoni
Over 15 years in the IT world
I love technology, that’s the reason why I had not esitation when I had to choose my college studies. Nevertheless, I always intended the IT benefits truly positive only when coupled with a deep human purpose.
My technology knowledge covers many topics, from web development to IoT, from network security to firmware development. Despite of this, I think I still have much to learn (about life, mainly..)
I worked as an employer, a freelance, finally I’ve been running a tech company I funded a few years ago.
When Alex, that I met many years ago, talked to me about his idea, asking me to partner as a tech expert, I saw the opportunity to finally focus my tech skills on a human initiative. I was finally involved in creating something that could help people of my age, or even younger, dealing with the hard situation we’re living because of Covid. A situation that badly exposes our future and the economical welfare of our children.
So I gladly joined the team, giving my time and knowledge in building a software infrastructure that could be really usefull.
We’re working hard on a tool, easy to use and availlable allover the world, with a business strategy that reduces costs by involving customers in a direct word of mount with just two friends. So we made a win-win process, allowing customers to achieve up to 100% refund of theis subscription fees, (so they can use it for free) while helping MPW in a proximity market activity, with positive brawbacks.
To make it easier to implement the solution and avoid discrimination against non-yet-experts, I designed a platform that, as an external and open-source free service, for those who wish, automates the relationship with their trusted broker.
The social part of this project is the one motivating me most, and there are near future plans of making it usefull to empower women employment and NPO.