Quickly innovate your experience
in increasing steady income
Enjoy boosting what is within your reach.
BMI disrupt any gap in income.
1. You start exploiting some available levers
Passive Income
How to get income without wasting time
Active Income
How to maximize your earnings from work
Reward Income
How do your friends have ongoing value
Portfolio Income
How to maximize savings investments
Health Income
How to improve earnings and avoid costs
2. You achieve these safety goals
Better Present Time
Enhance your quality of life
Financial Indipendence Retire Early
No Longevity Risk
Money to enjoy your distant future
3. You get your best Longevity Risk Protection
You know that your future is a big deal
Awareness of the problem
You know you have a solution
Awareness of the solution
You Know we are your Magic Bullet
Awareness that you are not alone
all included in BMI monthly membership
Your path to grow a quality life
Suitable for everyone. The right information makes people rich, always.
1 – PASSIVE INCOME growth tool
Profitable channels to generate income without being involved (no work, no time)
2 – ACTIVE INCOME growth tool
for (Current) Job Unconventional & Lifetime Course
3 – REWARD INCOME growth tool
Refund and Rewards Programs
4 – HEALTH INCOME growth tool
Health Value Unconventional & Lifetime Course
5 – PORTFOLIO INCOME growth tool
Financial-Wellbeing Best Strategies Unconventional & Lifetime Course
BMI is open-minded
We welcome suggestions and proposals, both B2C and B2B, and are willing to evaluate them openly in the interest of its community.
BMI is an open-ecosystem
It has the function of accountability partner for the optimization of all possible revenues in an era of uncertainty and change.

Now, you don’t need it.
When need it, you can’t get it.
YOLO (you only live one), why do you want to live without enough money?
BMI accompanies you to
1- improve your ability to generate income
Between 0 and 25 years, many have yet to receive all the know-how they would need today to be worth more and therefore have more income.
Most people have been penalized in the period 0-25 years. If, in this phase of life, the family context, training, geographical location, social context, studies, experiences, and things lived have not transferred sufficient knowledge, this is then reflected in adulthood on the ability to have value and consequently generate revenue.
People, therefore, suffer undeserved economic discrimination through no fault of their own, which few manage to escape on their own.
BMI helps you recover knowledge.
2 – acquire full awareness
If you don’t want to live in a dream, you’d better have a sense of the world you live in and understand its dynamics, times, and possibilities within your reach. Clarity of ideas is essential to take control of your life and escaping unjust economic discrimination that worsens your quality of life.
BMI helps you to have vision
3 – Cancel the approaching Longevity Risk
The increased income serves you to improve the present, but also to erase your Longevity Risk, which is caused by lengthening life. So you have to be provident to have money to set aside for the many years of inactive retirement life, during which you will have to live on the annuity. Why do you need your own money? Because today’s forecasts say that by enlarging the number of people who live longer, governments will be forced to reduce pensions. Likewise, private pensions may not pay the promised annuities (they have already come very close in the UK and the US as early as September 2022).
BMI helps you clear it
4 – Take advantage of time as an asset
Usually, people consider their time worthless and, therefore, even waste. Instead, it would be best if you considered it very precious, as a real winning asset that can make a difference in your life.
When you reach retirement age, you certainly don’t want to live in poverty or a nightmare because the bad predictions about governments and private pensions have come true. You can’t risk having saved too little money because you won’t have time to recover.
Likewise, when an unexpected event in life has to happen to you.
The solution is to increase your income so you can set aside for the distant future while still living the quality of life you want today.
BMI helps you do that.
To change your life, you must recover what you missed in your youth and apply it.
BMI accompanies you to obtain a better future.
Become the BOSS of your income!

BETTER PRESENT TIME – Quality of life (QoL) is “the perception that individuals have of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns”: this is the definition proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Going deeper, it becomes clear that the very important driver is the income that allows current well-being and the organization of future well-being. So for a better present, income is needed to cover the present and the future.
F.I.R.E – The movement aims to anticipate retirement or the moment one will live on the annuity. There will come a time when one no longer lives on income from work but public and / or private income.
This moment can be decided well in advance, and Millennials are a generation attentive to this opportunity. Of course, planning is needed that includes behaviors that are consistent with the goal that each one chooses, but the income one has during the active phase of life is decisive.
LONGEVITY RISK – Medicine extends life, but more resources are needed to avoid becoming a nightmare than in the past. As the number of seniors increases, governments will be able to give everyone fewer resources. How to cancel the longevity risk? How to have sufficient resources to live a peaceful old age with all the comforts and even if the expenses for the treatments are the comfort zone, etc.? The financial instruments are there; however, people must use the years of work to put aside.
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Then it’s up to you
BMI does not do finance; it does training focused on enhancing income for your present time and canceling the longevity risk while saving more.
You need to find an expert financial advisor who will accompany you for years regarding the investment of your savings.
The vast majority of people did not have a school system that provided a path of financial education that would help them understand how to manage the part of life linked to money consciously.
Without this training, it is challenging to achieve the maximum by operating correctly instead. The risk is delaying or failing to achieve the life goals you save and always the result of sacrifices.
Therefore, it is essential to choose an expert consultant who will accompany you throughout the journey of financial growth.
Step 1 – BECOME THE BOSS OF YOUR INCOME and take control of your finances by knowing as many aspects as possible. It is the starting phase of savings.
Step 2 – focus on investments by refining knowledge. It is the phase of accumulation of savings and the creation of your capital.
Step 3 – The process of creating savings is there. Financial knowledge, too, is the phase of investment optimization.
Make sure you choose your expert advisor carefully.
BoOost My Income has relationships with MPW My Private Welfare, which researches to empower people of any social level to increase their quality of life (QoL) through personal wealth, whatever the size. The goal is to overcome discrimination due to the different financial education received. MPW is a profit project.
BMI for innovation
We Love our Multipurpose Approach!
BMI does not do finance; we do research to solve the social need for more income with a range of simple tools that overcome discrimination.
BMI is increasingly being called a place where every person is valued. We encourage boundless ideas and people to emphasize creating a community that best represents the world and where everyone truly feels part of BMI.
Let’s join the BMI innovation!
We support everything that society considers “different,” such as the promotion of intergenerational exchange, the improvement of the balance between work and private life, and the overcoming of any diversity because it concerns equality and is part of our growth and our success.
Stay Hungry, Stay Updated!
We believe in continuous learning by viewing, participating in courses, and networking activities. All of this is necessary to reinforce the people at the center of our mindset.
However, this is not enough; we must also ensure that members of our community know the importance of the other people they are in contact with. We are curious, always seeking knowledge, and want to share our know-how with community members.
We are always looking for people that share our vision.
If you think that could be you,
get in touch!